I am a freelance language-services provider based in Amsterdam. I provide Dutch-English translation and English editing and copywriting services.
I am also a sociolinguistics researcher and the author of English in the Netherlands: Functions, Forms and Attitudes (John Benjamins, 2016). My latest research focuses on language policy at Dutch universities. My research interests include language attitudes and ideologies, multilingualism, corpus linguistics and (critical) discourse analysis.
Feel free to browse around or get in touch!
Postdoctoral researcher
Utrecht University
Research affiliate
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
PhD in Applied Linguistics
King's College, University of Cambridge
Ik lever Nederlands-Engels vertaaldiensten aan universiteiten, particulieren en bedrijven. Denk aan commerciële teksten, institutionele rapporten, krantenartikelen en nonfictie boeken.
I edit journal articles in particular, because it’s a kick to help other academics get their work published. I also do general copyediting, including institutional and commercial copy and non-fiction books.
I write magazine and newspaper articles, columns, press releases for new products or research findings, and brochures, webtexts and other promotional copy for companies and institutions.
Download proof copies and pdf versions from my profile on academia.edu
Research report
Doel, R. van den, Edwards, A., Beuningen, C. van, Breetvelt, I., & Graaff, R. de (2021). Effecten van Engels als voertaal in het hoger onderwijs: leeromgeving, leerprocessen, leeropbrengsten [Effects of English as medium of instruction in higher education: Learning environment, learning processes and academic achievement]. Report commissioned by NWO, project number 405-00-860.
Edwards, A. (2016). English in the Netherlands: Functions, forms and attitudes (Varieties of English around the World, vol. G56). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Oates, L., Edwards, A., Ersoy, A., & Bueren, E. van (2022). A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of sustainability transitions in urban basic infrastructure servies. European Journal of Spatial Development 19 (4): 44-71.
Edwards, A., (2020). Language and the law: How Dutch universities legally justify English-medium instruction. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 9 (1): 38-59.
Edwards, A., & Fuchs, R. (2018). A cluster analysis of attitudes to English in Germany and the Netherlands. World Englishes, 37 (4): 653-67.
Edwards, A. (2017). ICE Age 3: The Expanding Circle. The Future of the International Corpus of English – New challenges, new developments. Special issue of World Englishes, 36 (3): 404-26.
Edwards, A., & Lange, R-J. (2016). In case of innovation: Academic phraseology in the Three Circles. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 2 (2): 251-76.
Edwards, A., & Laporte, S. (2015). Outer and expanding circle Englishes: The competing roles of norm orientation and proficiency levels. English World-Wide, 36 (2) 135-69.
Edwards, A. (2014). The progressive aspect in the Netherlands and the ESL/EFL continuum. World Englishes, 33 (2): 173-94.
Edwards, A. (2011). Introducing the Corpus of Dutch English. English Today, 27 (3): 10-14.
Edwards, A. (2010). Dutch English: tolerable, taboo, or about time too? On keeping versus ‘correcting’ Dutch flavour in English texts. English Today, 26 (1): 19-25.
Chapters in edited volumes
Edwards, A., & Seargeant, P. (2020). Beyond English as a second or foreign language: Local uses and the cultural politics of identification. In Schreier, D., Hundt, M., & Schneider, E. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes, pp. 339-359. Cambridge: CUP.
Edwards, A. & Fuchs, R. (2020). Varieties of English in the Netherlands and Germany. In Hickey, R. (Ed.), English in the German-speaking world, pp. 267-293. Cambridge: CUP.
Edwards, A. (2018). ‘I’m an Anglophile, but …’: A corpus-assisted discourse study of language ideologies in the Netherlands. In Deshors, S.C. (Ed.), Modelling World Englishes in the 21st century: Assessing the interplay of emancipation and globalization of ESL varieties, pp. 163-86. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Book review
Edwards, A. (2014). English in Cyprus or Cyprus English: An empirical investigation of variety status, by S. Buschfeld. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2013. World Englishes, 33 (3): 413–15.
Conference presentations
Doel, R. van den, Graaff, R. de, Beuningen, C. van, & Edwards, A. (2022). All quiet on the language front? The role of language focus and support in Dutch EMI contexts. 7th International Conference on Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE), Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Graaff, R. de, Beuningen, C. van, Doel, R. van den, & Edwards, A. (2022). Do it yourself EMI? The role and lack of English language focus and support in Dutch higher education. Studiedag Anela, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Doel, R. van den, Graaff, R. de, Beuningen, C. van, & Edwards, A. (2021). All quiet on the language front? The role of language focus and support in Dutch EMI contexts. ICLHE Symposium, Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. & Seargeant, P. (2019). English (in)competent: language ideology and identity in Japan and the Netherlands. Sociolinguistics Circle, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. (2019). ‘It hurts my ears’: Language-ideological perceptions of
English in the Netherlands. Dutch Annual Linguistics Day (Grote Taaldag), Utrecht University, Netherlands.Edwards, A. & Fuchs, R. (2017). Love and resentment: A cluster analysis of attitudes to English in Europe. 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), University of Vigo, Spain.
Fuchs, R. & Edwards, A. (2017). “English is overrated”: Clustering attitudes to English in the Netherlands and Germany. 22nd Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), Syracuse University, NY, USA.
Rautionaho, P., Deshors, S.C. & Edwards, A. (2016). Progressive or not progressive? Modelling constructional choices in EFL and ESL. Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, Workshop 3: Tense and aspect in learner language: Issues and advances in the use of language corpora, University of Giessen, Germany.
Edwards, A., & Fuchs, R. (2016). Attitudes to local varieties of English in the Netherlands and Germany. Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, University of Murcia, Spain.
Deshors, S.C., & Edwards, A. (2016). Americans dreaming, Indians enclosing and Dutch wondering: A correspondence analysis of the progressive across genres and Englishes. 37th ICAME conference: Corpus Linguistics across Cultures, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Edwards, A. (2015). Agency and resistance in the Expanding Circle: English in the Netherlands. 21st Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Edwards, A. (2015). Expanding ICE to the Expanding Circle: the Corpus of Dutch English. 36th ICAME conference: Words, words, words: Corpora and lexis. University of Trier, Germany.
Laporte, S., & Edwards, A. (2013). New and learner Englishes: Re-evaluating the norm orientation continuum. 34th ICAME conference: English corpus linguistics on the move: Applications and implications. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Edwards, A. (2013). Functions, forms and attitudes vis-à-vis the expanding circle: Three claims and three refutations. (Post-)Doctoral spring school of the International Society of the Linguistics of English (ISLE): Englishes in a multilingual world: New dynamics of variation, contact and change. University of Freiburg, Germany.
Edwards, A. (2012). “Society isn’t working like this”: First results from the Corpus of Dutch English. Mechanisms of Language Change research cluster conference, University of Cambridge, UK.
Edwards, A. (2011). Introducing the Cambridge Corpus of Dutch English: Methodological insights and first results. 17th Conference of International Association for World Englishes, Monash University, Australia.
Edwards, A. (2011). The nativisation of English in the Netherlands: A corpus study. Variation & Change research cluster conference, University of Cambridge, UK.
Invited lectures
Edwards, A. (2019, May). Dutch or ‘another’ language? Language policy at Dutch universities. Sociolinguistics Series, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. (2017, February). I’m an Anglophile, but …’: A corpus-assisted discourse study of language ideologies in the Netherlands. LANSPAN colloquium series, Center for Language and Cognition, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. (2015, November). English for the 21st century: Putting Continental Europe on the map of World Englishes. Department of Languages, Linnaeus University, Sweden.
Edwards, A. (2015, July). ‘I keep my Dutch accent on purpose’: Agency and resistance in Continental European English. Department of English Linguistics, University of Regensburg, Germany.
Edwards, A. (2015, July). ‘I don’t like native English – it creates distance’: Subversive scholars and Continental European English. Department of English Linguistics, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany.
Edwards, A. (2015, March). The dawn of Dutch English? Studium Generale, University of Twente, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. (2014, December). Dutch English: Death or the gladioli. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Netherlands.
Edwards, A. (2013, March). The misfit: Placing the Netherlands on the map of World Englishes. Centre for Dutch Studies spring seminar series, University of Sheffield, UK.
Edwards, A. (2012, February). Good English is proper English, and other fallacies. King’s College seminar series, University of Cambridge, UK.
Edwards, A. (2008, November). Dutch English and the university style guide. Dutch Educational Concepts in English conference, University of Twente, NL.
PhD thesis
Edwards, A. (2014). English in the Netherlands: Functions, forms and attitudes. University of Cambridge.
Media interviews and articles featuring my research
Deborah Nicholls-Lee, 16 October 2019
Floris van Berckel Smit, 7 May 2019
Deborah Nicholls-Lee, 17 January 2018
Felicia Alberding, 30 August 2017
Henk Müller, 12 September 2013
‘Met steenkolen-Engels redden jullie je overal’
Victor Schildkamp, 12 July 2012
Een vleugje Nederlands in de Engelse taal
Wendy Degens, 1 April 2010
Professional and public engagement
Alison Edwards, 8 December 2022
Liever een docent die matig Engels spreekt maar intercultureel sterk is, dan een native speaker die een internationale klas niet aankan, betoogt Alison Edwards.
Alison Edwards, 13 March 2020
Het ongefundeerde idee dat Nederlanders niet om hun taal zouden geven is zo wijdverspreid dat er nu heel veel mensen heel erg om het Nederlands geven, schrijft onderzoeker Alison Edwards.
Alison Edwards, 2 May 2018
ESENSE (Society for English-Language Professionals in the Netherlands)
Alison Edwards, issue 45, April-June 2017
Alison Edwards, 3 April 2017
Alison Edwards, July/August issue 2014, pp. 192-3
The wrong end of the stick: Why Dutch English is not steenkolen-Engels
ESENSE (Society for English-Language Professionals in the Netherlands)
Alison Edwards, issue 27, September 2012
AEdwardsLange Academic
alisonedwards [at] cantab.net
Language services
info [at] alison-edwards.com
Copyright 2019